What Will I Find On This Blog?

What Will I Find On This Blog?

Well, let me just tell you what you will find here! On the right hand side you will first see how to contact me (HBC). Very important! You will also see on the right hand side a featured item from your truly.....HBC of course and you will be able to purchase that item at a discount as well. You will then see all the Pre-Orders we are offering at this time, complete with shopping carts to purchase those items at your convenience. These Pre-Orders allow you access to our NEWEST items FIRST! You get to choose your styles color AND if that weren't enough you get them at the LOWEST price they will ever be! They will NEVER be that price again :). Why do I do this you ask? Well, it's simple I really like you all, a lot!

In the middle you will find blabber from me, as well as giveaways, random thoughts, sayings, and whatever else flows through my brain at that moment in time :)

Now as for the left hand side you will find there our featured vendors! These are amazing women & men who have their own shops and items. They will have a featured item for the week complete with shopping cart and you can purchase straight through them!
*these shops are not affiliated with Hair Brained Creations and are their own entities. If you have a question or comment about their item(s) you need to contact them directly*

I hope you enjoy your experience here and that you are able to navigate the blog easily. If you have any questions, or comments please feel free to contact me.
Now.............get to lookin'!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I am amazed!

I know this is a business blog, however I feel compelled to speak about the kindness and generosity of complete strangers.  My faith in people has been restored and I feel like there is still greatness on this Earth!

In my previous post I had mentioned my baby girl and the trials she is enduring, with a HUGE smile by the way, each and every day right now.  I at this time cannot think about the surgery because I do get MAJOR anxiety!  Surgery, no matter how large or small, is still a surgery and should never be taken lightly!

Ok so back on subject...lol!  I have a FB page and have made some really great "friends" even though these people don't know me or my daughter they are willing to donate and share their time and talents with me and my baby!  I cannot explain to ANY of you how this makes me feel!  A little back story....I have a very strained relationship with some of my family members and to be honest some of them don't even know that she is having these struggles, and I'm not entirely sure that they care : ( .  Needless to say my only support system is my loving and amazing husband and my kids, or so I thought. 

Today I have been so emotional with all the generosity that has come our way in the places I would least expect it!   Here are the people who have hearts the size of TEXAS!  Please know that I pray for all of you and that I cannot thank you enough!  I hope I can in some way repay you all one day! 


Please click on the names and show some LOVE back!



  1. Don't get preggo started! LOL

    I'm always happy to help, I feel like my fans/business pals are my true friends now. I moved states a few months ago and am living with in-laws. I don't know anyone in the town and have still yet to make friends.

    I can't imagine where we'd be if we were in your shoes. I am only doing for you what I'd hope others would do for me!


  2. I JUST read this! You are so sweet and I think SUCH a good person. My husband and I go it alone as well. Its tough but we are women hear us RAWR!! <3
